Yewa Descendants Union Uk & Ireland


Yewas are one of the major group in Yoruba Land inhabiting the eastern area of Ogun State West senatorial District.Yewa is a sub-ethnic group of the Western Region of Nigeria known as the Yorubaland.The founder of the early settlements of kingdoms were princes, great warriors or hunters who migrated from lle- Ife, Oyo or Ketu. Essentially, the settlements were as a result of independent migration of these founders and their entourage. Yewaland being populated by independent kingdoms and chiefdoms made up of diverse ethnic and sub-ethnic groups. Typical Yewa man is a symbol of a prototypical personality and a good example of Omoluwabi. The Yewa people in the contemporary history are predominantly farmers and traders largely found in the western part of Ogun State, Nigeria. The large expanse of Yewa fertile land also has large deposit of mineral resources for industrial potentials.

Best education

Education is the bedrock of development both at the community and national level. The greatest weapon against poverty, We cannot innovate without education

Good water

Without water, life as we know it would not exist, life exist wherever there is water. Yewa people deserve clean water


Agriculture is the economic mainstay of Yewa people. Lack of market infrastructure is one of the limit factor

We are goal driven

Our general purpose is to prevent social exclusion and promote social inclusion


Our Heritage & Our Story


Developing and promoting unity




Our Heritage & Our Story

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